Congratulations to Hemdean House School for issuing letters and Sun Safety leaflets to the parents / guardians of all of their children. Hemdean House School have also pledged to make sure that all children have access to Sun Hats & Sunscreen and that all teachers at the school will be good role models with regard to sun safety.
“All are children are requested to buy a school legionnaire sunhat, as part of the uniform when they enter the school. If they prefer they can bring an appropriate hat from home to be kept at school. Hats remain in school and staff ensure children wear a hat when they are involved in outdoor activity both at school and when on school trips and visits. There is a box of spare hats available for use by the children.
Many children bring their own sun screen to school and this is kept in their classroom and applied as necessary. We are also keeping a bottle of sun screen with the first aid bag and have asked parents to sign a consent form if they wish their child to have use of this.
“I, Mrs Illingworth, made a presentation to staff at our weekly staff meeting about the SunSmart scheme, and its aims and message. I asked staff for their support in reinforcing and modelling the message to the children through out the school and all agreed that this was an excellent idea and that they would remind the children of the importance of the "slip, slap, slop message" and act as appropriate role models themselves.
(Helen Illingworth - Hemdean House School)