Congratulations to Happy Days for obtaining their Sun Safe Nursery Status & Award

“Really good website, really easy to use.”
(Emma Walker - Happy Days)
Welcome to the Sun Safe Schools Newsfeed. Below you will find news and updates about our progress in helping UK schools keep their pupils safe in the sun
Congratulations to Happy Days for obtaining their Sun Safe Nursery Status & Award
“Really good website, really easy to use.”
(Emma Walker - Happy Days)
Congratulations to Happy Days for providing shaded areas for their pupils.
Shaded Area photo submitted by Happy Days
“All of our three gardens have sun canopies as pictured. We also make dens out of sheets and pegs to ensure our children are in the shade”
(Emma Walker - Happy Days)
Congratulations to Happy Days for reading George the Sun Safe Superstar to all their children and introducing everyone to the ‘Slip, Slap, Slop song’.Happy Days have also pledged to continue to regularly use the resources provided to reinforce the sun safe message to their children.
“We have now downloaded all of the resources and are putting the slip slop slap song onto a disk to play in the nursery rooms. Our sun cream policy is robust and already mirrors the information we have received from sun safe nurseries. The letters are being given out along with our nursery policy and staff are being trained about sun safety awareness. We have used the nursery tablets to listen to the sond and have read the book to our older children this lunch time.”
(Emma Walker - Happy Days)
“We love this website and have got right on board with the ideas and information. Our sun policy already incorporates many of the information that you have made availlable byt the uv index from the MET is new to us all and really useful. The resources have all been printed and we are already making good use of them. The letter for parents will be put into our registration pack. ”
(Emma Walker - Happy Days)
Congratulations to Happy Days for issuing Sun Safety Fact Sheets to all their pupils. Happy Days has also pledged to keep sun hats and sunscreen available for all their children and to act as role models with regard to sun safety:
“We have sent out the letter today with the nurseries own suncream policy. The letter will also be added to our nursery welcome pack and will be give to all new children.”
(Emma Walker - Happy Days)
“Our nursery policy and parent handbook asks parents to supply factor 30 or above suncxream and to bring in a llegionnaire type hat that is to be kept at nursery. The nursery also has 30+ extra legionnaires style hats as spares.”
(Emma Walker - Happy Days)
Congratulations to Weeth Primary School for issuing letters and Sun Safety leaflets to the parents / guardians of all of their children. Weeth Primary School have also pledged to make sure that all children have access to Sun Hats & Sunscreen and that all teachers at the school will be good role models with regard to sun safety.
“We pledge that we will ensure we have adequate provision of sunhats and sunscreen kept on the school premises and abide by the guidelines given at all times.”
“All teachers are aware that they have a duty to behave as a role model and will wear sunscreen an sunhats as appropriate. All staff have been made aware of the sun safe schools guidelines.”
(Chellew Mcshane - Weeth Primary School)
Congratulations to Weeth Primary School for issuing letters and Sun Safety leaflets to the parents / guardians of all of their children. Weeth Primary School have also pledged to make sure that all children have access to Sun Hats & Sunscreen and that all teachers at the school will be good role models with regard to sun safety.
“We pledge that we will ensure we have adequate provision of sunhats and sunscreen kept on the school premises and abide by the guidelines given at all times.”
“All teachers are aware that they have a duty to behave as a role model and will wear sunscreen an sunhats as appropriate. All staff have been made aware of the sun safe schools guidelines.”
(Chellew Mcshane - Weeth Primary School)
Congratulations to Kidz Lodge Childcare for issuing Sun Safety Fact Sheets to all their pupils. Kidz Lodge Childcare has also pledged to keep sun hats and sunscreen available for all their children and to act as role models with regard to sun safety:
“Kidz Lodge Childcare promises to keep our parents update with information around sun safety and will make all users of our centre aware of the importance of taking care in the sun!”
(Bernie Oneill - Kidz Lodge Childcare )
“Kidz Lodge Childcare promises to protect each one of our children from the sun when we are out playing in the sun!”
(Bernie Oneill - Kidz Lodge Childcare )
Congratulations to Kidz Lodge Childcare for providing shaded areas for their pupils.
Shaded Area photo submitted by Kidz Lodge Childcare
“We provide shaded areas with large canopies in both play areas to protect children from direct sunlight ”
(Bernie Oneill - Kidz Lodge Childcare )
Congratulations to Holmesdale Infant School for carrying out the ‘George the Sun Safe Superstar’ Lesson Plan.
Lesson Plan photo submitted by Holmesdale Infant School
“The children enjoyed viewing the book on the Interactive white board. The children took part in a foolw up Philosophy for Children discussion asking and answering questions about sun safety.”
(Catherine Robinson - Holmesdale Infant School)
Congratulations to Holmesdale Infant School for obtaining their Sun Safe School Status & Award
“It has been a positive experience completeing the sunsafe assessment and has given sun safety high priority at our school. As a result of completing the assessment we have changed and adapted our practice in school to ensure that all children are aware of the need to be safe in the sun.”
(Catherine Robinson - Holmesdale Infant School)