Congratulations to Ladywood Primary School for obtaining their Sun Safe School Status & Award

“Excellent resource and education tool”
(Joanne Jerrom - Ladywood Primary School)
Welcome to the Sun Safe Schools Newsfeed. Below you will find news and updates about our progress in helping UK schools keep their pupils safe in the sun
Congratulations to Ladywood Primary School for obtaining their Sun Safe School Status & Award
“Excellent resource and education tool”
(Joanne Jerrom - Ladywood Primary School)
Congratulations to Tiny Toez @ Nutwood for carrying out the ‘George the Sun Safe Superstar’ Lesson Plan.
Lesson Plan photo submitted by Tiny Toez @ Nutwood
“the children enjoyed learning about sun safety ”
(Lisa Jelf - Tiny Toez @ Nutwood)
Congratulations to Tiny Toez @ Nutwood for obtaining their Sun Safe School Status & Award
“The children enjoyed learning bout sun safety.”
(Lisa Jelf - Tiny Toez @ Nutwood)
Congratulations to Bushey And Oxhey Infant School for providing shaded areas for their pupils.
Shaded Area photo submitted by Bushey And Oxhey Infant School
“Our playground has a dedicated Pagoda area with a large covered shelter and benches underneath where children can sit or play. We have a playhouse and a large ship with a covered interior. We also have large trees along the back of the playground. Our outside areas provide plenty of shade for staff and children. ”
(Mary Ann Cooper - Bushey And Oxhey Infant School)
Congratulations to Bushey And Oxhey Infant School for issuing letters and Sun Safety leaflets to the parents / guardians of all of their children. Bushey And Oxhey Infant School have also pledged to make sure that all children have access to Sun Hats & Sunscreen and that all teachers at the school will be good role models with regard to sun safety.
“Sun hats have been made available via the company Mapac for parents to purchase and are part of the recommended summer uniform for our school. Legionnaire style hats are part of this uniform. The letter which has been attached was sent out to our parents in March of 2015 as we worked towards gaining this award and reflects our commitment to ensuring that sunscreen was available to children and that parents were informed about the necessity for this. ”
“Staff in Bushey & Oxhey infant school understand their role in imparting knowledge and information on sun safety and in acting as role models by using sunscreens, shades and hats when in the playground with the children from March onwards. This has been included in our school policy regarding sun safety which has been shared with governors and staff. ”
(Mary Ann Cooper - Bushey And Oxhey Infant School)
Congratulations to Carnarvon Kids Club CIC for providing shaded areas for their pupils.
Shaded Area photo submitted by Carnarvon Kids Club CIC
“We have a covered outdoor play area as well as a playing field with some big trees which provide shade as well as a copsed area which provides an additional shaded area for play and activities.”
(Wendy Forbes-Buckingham - Carnarvon Kids Club CIC)
Congratulations to Breadsall CE Primary School for carrying out the ‘George the Sun Safe Superstar’ Lesson Plan.
Lesson Plan photo submitted by Breadsall CE Primary School
“Our Pupils really enjoyed colouring in their pictures so they could be like George! The Sunsafe message is working.”
(Caroline Crick - Breadsall CE Primary School)
Congratulations to Anglesey Primary Academy for providing shaded areas for their pupils.
Shaded Area photo submitted by Anglesey Primary Academy
“We have shaded areas around the edges of all three playgrounds and we made the activities in these areas as appealing as possible, including a dance club, basketball shooting practice, loom bands, the trim trail. See attached photos. The children and staff really engaged with the Sun safe message. Thank you for the resources. We will continue to deliver this important message next year.”
(Liz Runcorn - Anglesey Primary Academy)
Congratulations to Anglesey Primary Academy for carrying out the ‘George the Sun Safe Superstar’ Lesson Plan.
Lesson Plan photo submitted by Anglesey Primary Academy
“All classes used lesson plans in PSHE to learn about keeping safe in the sun. Children also made a display for the playground at lunchtime.”
(Liz Runcorn - Anglesey Primary Academy)
Congratulations to Cherry Tree Hill Primary for obtaining their Sun Safe School Status & Award
“Cherry Tree Hill have enjoyed the process of becoming a Sun Safe school. The children have all enjoyed learning about being safe in the sun. It was an easy process to go through and we are pleased to now be a Sun Safe school.”
(Heather Futcher - Cherry Tree Hill Primary)
Congratulations to Cherry Tree Hill Primary for carrying out the ‘George the Sun Safe Superstar’ Lesson Plan.
Lesson Plan photo submitted by Cherry Tree Hill Primary
“The children enjoyed hearing the story of George the Sun Safe Superstar and completing the activities linked to it. They all completed three activities and had there stickers.”
(Heather Futcher - Cherry Tree Hill Primary)
Congratulations to Highfields School for issuing letters and Sun Safety leaflets to the parents / guardians of all of their children. Highfields School have also pledged to make sure that all children have access to Sun Hats & Sunscreen and that all teachers at the school will be good role models with regard to sun safety.
“Copy of letter attached . ”
“All of our staff act as role models to promote sun safety. ”
(Gemma Wilson - Highfields School)
Congratulations to Highfields School for carrying out the ‘George the Sun Safe Superstar’ Lesson Plan.
Lesson Plan photo submitted by Highfields School
“The classes all took part the various lessons plans and thoroughly enjoyed the fun resources . Excellent for getting the message across”
(Gemma Wilson - Highfields School)
Congratulations to Oakfield High School And College, for providing shaded areas for their pupils.
Shaded Area photo submitted by Oakfield High School And College,
“Hi, This photograph is the canopy that goes the full length of our school playground, there are also 2 pods that provide shade which ensures enough space for all learners at Oakfield. Thanks, Joanne Taylor”
(Joanne Taylor - Oakfield High School And College,)
Congratulations to Oakfield High School And College, for carrying out an introductory assembly about how to keep safe in the sun:
Assembly photo submitted by Oakfield High School And College,
“Hi, The power point slide features an article in the Daily Mail, explaining the dangers of the sun. Thanks, Joanne Taylor”
(Joanne Taylor - Oakfield High School And College,)
Congratulations to Highfields School for issuing letters and Sun Safety leaflets to the parents / guardians of all of their children. Highfields School have also pledged to make sure that all children have access to Sun Hats & Sunscreen and that all teachers at the school will be good role models with regard to sun safety.
“Copy of letter attached . ”
“All of our staff act as role models to promote sun safety. ”
(Gemma Wilson - Highfields School)
Congratulations to Highfields School for obtaining their Sun Safe School Status & Award
“The school thoroughly enjoyed the scheme and the free educational resources made this easy to complete and launch within school.”
(Gemma Wilson - Highfields School)
Congratulations to St Rose Of Lima Primary School for issuing letters and Sun Safety leaflets to the parents / guardians of all of their children. St Rose Of Lima Primary School have also pledged to make sure that all children have access to Sun Hats & Sunscreen and that all teachers at the school will be good role models with regard to sun safety.
“All letters issued 18th August 2015. Assembly took place in June 2015 and all new P1 pupils will receive input on 19th August 2015. ”
“All staff have been made aware of their role of responsibility to ensure they are positive role models for all pupils with regard to sun safety.”
(Sarah Black - St Rose Of Lima Primary School )
Congratulations to Blackwell Primary School for carrying out the ‘George the Sun Safe Superstar’ Lesson Plan.
Lesson Plan photo submitted by Blackwell Primary School
“All classes have completed posters and worksheets. ”
(Joy Thompson - Blackwell Primary School)
Congratulations to Blackwell Primary School for obtaining their Sun Safe School Status & Award
“We were delighted to receive our resources. The dispensers are up and the children are very sensible using them They love the song. We have also purchased the legionnaire sun hats now instead of our usual caps. Really pleased that we registered for the scheme - it was at just the right time just before we had the very hot weather. Hopefully now that we have broken up for the summer, the children will remember the messages. Thank you.”
(Joy Thompson - Blackwell Primary School)
Congratulations to Westhouses Primary for carrying out the ‘George the Sun Safe Superstar’ Lesson Plan.
Lesson Plan photo submitted by Westhouses Primary
“really enjoyed the animated version of the story”
(Jonathan Lynch - Westhouses Primary)
Congratulations to Crich Carr C Of E Primary School for pledging to explore options regarding providing shaded areas for children during breaks outside.
“We have minimal natural shade on the field and a timber shelter on the playground. We put up gazebos during prolonged hot spells or for sports day etc. We are looking into other options for more permanent shade on the field and other play areas.”
(Vicki Holmes - Crich Carr C Of E Primary School)
Congratulations to Chaucer Junior School for providing shaded areas for their pupils.
Shaded Area photo submitted by Chaucer Junior School
“We have trees all round the edge of the field and a wall at the bottom of the play ground. Children are actively encouraged to sit in the shade.”
(Anna Upton - Chaucer Junior School)
Congratulations to Westhouses Primary for carrying out an introductory assembly about how to keep safe in the sun:
Assembly photo submitted by Westhouses Primary
“assembly done over two weeks, we developed our own and used some cancer research resources to complement your own.”
(Jonathan Lynch - Westhouses Primary)
Congratulations to Westhouses Primary for providing shaded areas for their pupils.
Shaded Area photo submitted by Westhouses Primary
“we have several trees and a gazebo for shaded areas that can be used”
(Jonathan Lynch - Westhouses Primary)
Congratulations to English Martyrs' Catholic Voluntary Academy for providing shaded areas for their pupils.
Shaded Area photo submitted by English Martyrs' Catholic Voluntary Academy
“We are very lucky to have a number of shelters around the school. With the help of the Wildlife Trust we have three willow domes. There are a number of trees which link to make a large sheltered area with picnic benches underneath which the children enjoy using. There are a couple of man made shelters which children will also use.”
(Kate Mann - English Martyrs' Catholic Voluntary Academy)
Congratulations to Doveridge Primary School for obtaining their Sun Safe School Status & Award
“The children have enjoyed being sun safe and have especially enjoyed using the sun screen dispensers! The story was informative and well written. The children loved the bright illustrations and rhyming text. The worksheets and lesson plans were useful and a great resource for all year groups.”
(Jo Evans - Doveridge Primary School)
Congratulations to Doveridge Primary School for carrying out the ‘George the Sun Safe Superstar’ Lesson Plan.
Lesson Plan photo submitted by Doveridge Primary School
“The children all heard and responded to the story of George The Sun Safe Superstar. We discussed how to stay safe in the sun and the children were able to answer each question. The children were also told how and when to use the sunscreen and reminded about hats and shade.”
(Jo Evans - Doveridge Primary School)
Congratulations to Doveridge Primary School for issuing letters and Sun Safety leaflets to the parents / guardians of all of their children. Doveridge Primary School have also pledged to make sure that all children have access to Sun Hats & Sunscreen and that all teachers at the school will be good role models with regard to sun safety.
“Hats and sunscreen are available in school in every classroom.”
“All teachers and support staff at Doveridge Primary School, have been made aware of, understand and have agreed to act as role models with regard to sun safety.”
(Jo Evans - Doveridge Primary School)
Congratulations to Doveridge Primary School for carrying out an introductory assembly about how to keep safe in the sun:
Assembly photo submitted by Doveridge Primary School
“2 assemblies were completed with the children - we looked at sun cream, hats, t-shirts, shade, slip slop slap, sunglasses...”
(Jo Evans - Doveridge Primary School)
Congratulations to Doveridge Primary School for providing shaded areas for their pupils.
Shaded Area photo submitted by Doveridge Primary School
“Children have access to a large covered hut and a number of large shady trees”
(Jo Evans - Doveridge Primary School)
Congratulations to Gorse Ride Infant And Nursery School for obtaining their Sun Safe School Status & Award
“I am pleased that we have gained the Sun Safe Award.”
(Amanda Purdy - Gorse Ride Infant And Nursery School)
Congratulations to Grange Community School for obtaining their Sun Safe School Status & Award
“We have really enjoyed the sun safe story, songs, activities throughout school. Also the parents have thought it is a great way to promote sun safety and the children want to keep safe in the sun. Thanks for this opportunity and we will continue to promote sun safety every year.”
(Bev Bateman - Grange Community School)
Congratulations to Grange Community School for carrying out the ‘George the Sun Safe Superstar’ Lesson Plan.
Lesson Plan photo submitted by Grange Community School
“All children enjoyed the activities from Nursery all the way through to Year 2. We will be making a whole school display to promote being a sun safe school.”
(Bev Bateman - Grange Community School)
Congratulations to Coppice Primary School for obtaining their Sun Safe School Status & Award
“Excellent experience with this, the resources are fantastic and it has really helped raise awareness within our school, thank you.”
(Emma Stallion - Coppice Primary School)
Congratulations to Coppice Primary School for carrying out the ‘George the Sun Safe Superstar’ Lesson Plan.
Lesson Plan photo submitted by Coppice Primary School
“The children really enjoyed the worksheet and it consolidated their knowledge and provided an assessment tool about their understanding.”
(Emma Stallion - Coppice Primary School)
Congratulations to Cherry Tree Hill Primary for issuing letters and Sun Safety leaflets to the parents / guardians of all of their children. Cherry Tree Hill Primary have also pledged to make sure that all children have access to Sun Hats & Sunscreen and that all teachers at the school will be good role models with regard to sun safety.
“Our school has sent out the letter to parents, had the replies and the children are now using the sunscreen daily. Children are bringing in sun hats and for those who don't bring one, we have a supply of spares that they borrow for playtimes.”
“Cherry Tree Hill Primary School understand the importance of sun safety for every pupil and staff member in our school. We agree to act as role models, wearing hats, sunglasses and sunscreen. We will encourage the use of suncream by all students and ensure sunhats are worn during outside play. We will provide all children with free sunscreen and have spare hats available for those pupils who have not bought their own.”
(Heather Futcher - Cherry Tree Hill Primary)
Congratulations to Grange Community School for issuing letters and Sun Safety leaflets to the parents / guardians of all of their children. Grange Community School have also pledged to make sure that all children have access to Sun Hats & Sunscreen and that all teachers at the school will be good role models with regard to sun safety.
“All children completed the attached letter and returned them to school, the teachers then checked who could use school sunscreen or some children bought their own. The children love being independent and putting on their own sunscreen.”
“All teachers are aware and being great role models.”
(Bev Bateman - Grange Community School)
Congratulations to Grange Community School for carrying out an introductory assembly about how to keep safe in the sun:
Assembly photo submitted by Grange Community School
“The children enjoyed the story 'George the Sun Safe Superstar and loved the song!”
(Bev Bateman - Grange Community School)
Congratulations to Mickleover Primary for obtaining their Sun Safe School Status & Award
“We have really enjoyed thinking about being sun safe, it would be useful if you could do all the writing for a section and then upload the photos, as every time I did it the writing disappeared if I didn't have the photo ready. Thanks for our sun safe resources!”
(Millie Harrison - Mickleover Primary )
Congratulations to ROOSTERS KIDS CLUB for obtaining their Sun Safe School Status & Award
Congratulations to ROOSTERS KIDS CLUB for issuing letters and Sun Safety leaflets to the parents / guardians of all of their children. ROOSTERS KIDS CLUB have also pledged to make sure that all children have access to Sun Hats & Sunscreen and that all teachers at the school will be good role models with regard to sun safety.
“Parents are grateful for the information we give them and making them aware ”
Congratulations to Mickleover Primary for issuing letters and Sun Safety leaflets to the parents / guardians of all of their children. Mickleover Primary have also pledged to make sure that all children have access to Sun Hats & Sunscreen and that all teachers at the school will be good role models with regard to sun safety.
“Letter sent to all parents with a copy of the sun safe booklet 17.4.15. New hats and spare suncream to be ordered and kept in central supply with first aid equipment for lunchtimes and playtimes. ”
“All staff have signed up to wearing hats and sunscreen, as have governors. We pledge to always act as role models, to wear our hats and suncream and cover our shoulders. We pledge to help our children to understand how important sun safety is. All pupils have received and returned sun safe letters and we have also sent out letters for the new suncream dispensers, all classes have a list in their room to indicate if children allowed to wear it or will use their own. ”
(Millie Harrison - Mickleover Primary )
Congratulations to ROOSTERS KIDS CLUB for carrying out the ‘George the Sun Safe Superstar’ Lesson Plan.
Lesson Plan photo submitted by ROOSTERS KIDS CLUB
Congratulations to Mickleover Primary for carrying out the ‘George the Sun Safe Superstar’ Lesson Plan.
Lesson Plan photo submitted by Mickleover Primary
“Reception children and Year 2 worked together in mixed groups to create sunsafe posters. All classes have completed their worksheets. ”
(Millie Harrison - Mickleover Primary )
Congratulations to Mickleover Primary for carrying out an introductory assembly about how to keep safe in the sun:
Assembly photo submitted by Mickleover Primary
“We have had three assemblies on being sun safe, a whole school assembly to introduce the theme, a second whole school assembly to share the new sun safe resources and a third key stage 1 assembly to remind the infant children about wearing their hats and bringing their water bottles to school. ”
(Millie Harrison - Mickleover Primary )
Congratulations to ROOSTERS KIDS CLUB for carrying out an introductory assembly about how to keep safe in the sun:
Assembly photo submitted by ROOSTERS KIDS CLUB
Congratulations to ROOSTERS KIDS CLUB for pledging to explore options regarding providing shaded areas for children during breaks outside.
“we are looking into purchasing gazebos”
Congratulations to Stretton Handley Church Of England (VC) Primary School for providing shaded areas for their pupils.
Shaded Area photo submitted by Stretton Handley Church Of England (VC) Primary School
“We have an area to the rear of school which provides natural shade from trees for the children and also a wooden gazebo which is used as an outdoor classroom. These are both available to children at lunchtime and breaks. The EYSF/KS1 outdoor activity area is shaded by both trees and a canopy.”
(Jill Fox - Stretton Handley Church Of England (VC) Primary School)
Congratulations to Hollinsclough Primary School for carrying out the ‘George the Sun Safe Superstar’ Lesson Plan.
Lesson Plan photo submitted by Hollinsclough Primary School
“Super lesson, very interactive, the children loved George!”
(Lynda OSullivan - Hollinsclough Primary School)
Congratulations to Hollinsclough Primary School for providing shaded areas for their pupils.
Shaded Area photo submitted by Hollinsclough Primary School
“We have lots of trees, and a willow tunnel. Also, we have a wooden gazebo with roof that the children use for shade and shelter.”
(Lynda OSullivan - Hollinsclough Primary School)
Congratulations to Hollinsclough Primary School for issuing letters and Sun Safety leaflets to the parents / guardians of all of their children. Hollinsclough Primary School have also pledged to make sure that all children have access to Sun Hats & Sunscreen and that all teachers at the school will be good role models with regard to sun safety.
“Sunscreen and sun hats will be actioned appropriately and kept on school premises as per your guidelines.”
“All staff have been made aware of, understand, and agree to act as appropriate role models with respect to sun safety.”
(Lynda OSullivan - Hollinsclough Primary School)
Congratulations to Redhill Primary for obtaining their Sun Safe School Status & Award
“We found this a valuable experience, made very achievable by good, easily accessible resources. The story was a really good idea and the different formats helpful. We have actually used it in a number of assemblies to make sure the message was reinforced throughout the summer term.”
(Nicola Bargh - Redhill Primary)
Congratulations to Redhill Primary for carrying out the ‘George the Sun Safe Superstar’ Lesson Plan.
Lesson Plan photo submitted by Redhill Primary
“All children in school have completed activity sheets in class. Older children have also created sun safety posters for display around school.”
(Nicola Bargh - Redhill Primary)
Congratulations to Parkview Primary School for providing shaded areas for their pupils.
Shaded Area photo submitted by Parkview Primary School
“the PFA last year raised money for a purpose built sun shelter (attached photo) We have also put in some new trees as we are a fairly new build school and didnt have many mature trees”
(Lisa Vee - Parkview Primary School)
Congratulations to Parkview Primary School for carrying out the ‘George the Sun Safe Superstar’ Lesson Plan.
Lesson Plan photo submitted by Parkview Primary School
“The children have all listened to the sun saafe story and followed the lessons planned. We have made posters to put up around the school reminding children how to stay sun sfae.”
(Lisa Vee - Parkview Primary School)
Congratulations to Field House Infant School for carrying out the ‘George the Sun Safe Superstar’ Lesson Plan.
Lesson Plan photo submitted by Field House Infant School
“The children did the booklets after a sun safe day. It was discussed at the year end parent assemblies during the week 6-10 July. Parents were VERY pleased and have requested the junior school register to keep up the good work!”
(Nicky Godridge - Field House Infant School)
Congratulations to Field House Infant School for carrying out an introductory assembly about how to keep safe in the sun:
Assembly photo submitted by Field House Infant School
“The assembly was held during our health and fitness week 8-12 June and was followed up by singing the song and doing a sunsafe day the following week.”
(Nicky Godridge - Field House Infant School)
Congratulations to Field House Infant School for providing shaded areas for their pupils.
Shaded Area photo submitted by Field House Infant School
“We have trees in the school grounds and have purchased tables and parasols to sit at during work/break times. The trees are on the grassed play are and the tables on the tarmac ares.”
(Nicky Godridge - Field House Infant School)
Congratulations to Gorse Ride Infant And Nursery School for carrying out the ‘George the Sun Safe Superstar’ Lesson Plan.
Lesson Plan photo submitted by Gorse Ride Infant And Nursery School
“Lesson completed”
(Amanda Purdy - Gorse Ride Infant And Nursery School)
Congratulations to Chellaston Infant School for issuing letters and Sun Safety leaflets to the parents / guardians of all of their children. Chellaston Infant School have also pledged to make sure that all children have access to Sun Hats & Sunscreen and that all teachers at the school will be good role models with regard to sun safety.
“Letters sent out to parents and slips returned.”
“All staff have been made aware of, understand and agree to act as appropriate role models with regard to sun safety.”
(Rachel Leyland - Chellaston Infant School)
Congratulations to Shirland Primary for obtaining their Sun Safe School Status & Award
“Although we always considered how to keep children safe in the sun, embarking on this award made it a much more whole school priority. Our children are now more likely to put their hat on and sun cream without being prompted.”
(Kim Buxton - Shirland Primary)
Congratulations to Shirland Primary for carrying out the ‘George the Sun Safe Superstar’ Lesson Plan.
Lesson Plan photo submitted by Shirland Primary
“The children role have just listened to George the Sun Safe Superstar and they are demonstrating what to do before going out at lunchtime.”
(Kim Buxton - Shirland Primary)